Monday, February 16, 2009

Good morning, Baltimore.

Greetings all!

I have mentioned on this blog before but must do so again for this post.

You see, recently I've had the extreme pleasure of relocating to Baltimore. One of the very first things I did was get online to figure out some preferred places to dine. So you can imagine my excitement when informed me of a certain Andy Nelson's BBQ less than a half-mile from my house! As I've said before, this website has never lead me astray and I cherish each and every location it shares with me. I don't think there could have been a warmer greeting to a new city. It's great to meet you, Andy Nelson.Since my discovery I've gotten to know this establishment well and would already consider it a close friend - So much so that I spent some hours today camped in the back of my car attempting to capture Andy in this here portrait.

Other news: Hiked down to Washington D.C. with my dear friend, McLean. ( We poked around, did some drawing and visited yet another location: Ben's Chili Bowl.Can't hype enough. If you love (or long to) stuff your face with some of the finest cultural delicacies that this planet has to offer, then ya gotta look it up.

Miss all my peeps out there and hope everybody well!!!